Eye Debris: What To Know About Those Annoying Floaters

Some people are so accustomed to seeing spots in their field of vision that they get used them. For others, vision is so affected that driving and other activities that depend on clear vision are seriously curtailed. While floaters are not necessarily a sign of anything dangerous, they are undoubtedly annoying. Read on to find out what these bits of debris are and what can be done about them.

What are Floaters?

The vitreous area is made up of a gel-like material and changes in the surface of it can cause the appearance of splotches, strings, and spots. Floaters can be anything but permanent – they are liable to disappear overnight only to return a few months later. Floaters are most often just a by-product of aging, but an eye injury or certain diseases can also cause them. As long as your eye doctor has ruled out other conditions, they require no treatment.

When to Worry About Floaters

One major problem with floaters is the potential for more serious retinal problems. Don't wait for an eye appointment if you notice the following (either with or without floaters) – go to the closest emergency room immediately:

  • A sudden worsening of floaters
  • Flashes of light in your peripheral vision
  • Your side vision is suddenly impaired
  • Shadowy images
  • The appearance of a gray curtain over your field of vision

The above can be signs of a dangerous and sight-robbing malady – retina detachment. This is a serious vision disturbance that is caused by the detachment of the retina from its blood supply vessels.

How to Eliminate Floaters

If your quality of life is negatively affected by floaters, you can have them removed. There are at least two commonly-used methods that can zap or remove them but you should understand that some people are prone to floaters and they might come back again. As with all surgeries, there is a risk of tears and retinal detachment.

  1. Vitrectomy – Some eye parts are entirely replaceable. Just as your lens can be replaced with cataract surgery, your vitreous can also be removed and replaced with a new solution that is free of floaters.
  2. YAG laser surgery – This newer operation involves using a laser to quickly and painlessly zap those floaters away. You can be in and out in minutes since no anesthesia is necessary (the eyes are numbed with drops, however).

To learn more about floaters, speak to your eye doctor right away or visit a site like http://www.josephdevenutojrmd.com for more information.
