Many people spend nearly all of their workdays focusing intently on a computer monitor. While computers are invaluable in the business world, this has taken its toll on many people's eyes—focusing on a computer screen causes a considerable amount of eye strain.
Symptoms of eye strain can include dry, itchy eyes as well as blurry vision. Some people also suffer from intense headaches. In order to help with these symptoms and protect your eyes while you're using a computer all day, follow the four tips below.
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Summer is coming and you're probably prepping by painting your toenails, buying new summer clothes and maybe even trying to lose a few pounds, but have you thought about your eyes? Your eyes are going to need to be summer ready and protected in order to prevent damage this summer. If you haven't given your eyes any thought, you need to start. Read on for everything you need to know to protect your eyes this summer.
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Some people are so accustomed to seeing spots in their field of vision that they get used them. For others, vision is so affected that driving and other activities that depend on clear vision are seriously curtailed. While floaters are not necessarily a sign of anything dangerous, they are undoubtedly annoying. Read on to find out what these bits of debris are and what can be done about them.
What are Floaters?
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There are many ways that a person can get eyeglasses made for them in this day and age. You can order directly from a manufacturer, buy online, or go to your optometrist's office. However, if you're leaving your optometrist out of the equation, you might be setting yourself up for a problem. Here's why you should always consult with your optometrist when getting glasses.
Careful Crafting
When your glasses are made, they need to have a series of measurements that are perfectly followed.
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The occasional episode of blurry vision is usually not a problem. This can be caused by eye fatigue, dry eyes, or the need for a fresh pair of contact lenses. When blurry vision is more than the occasional nuisance, it is time to figure out the underlying problem.
Chronic Diseases
Blurry vision may not be a problem with your vision itself, but may be caused by systemic diseases. For example, hypertension and diabetes can eventually affect your vision.
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